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Input String not in correct Format

asked on August 21, 2020 Show version history

So building a process in Cloud.  Using an insert Rule and getting an error that the "Input string not in correct format".  No actual info other then that.


Is there a better error or something that tells me which one of the fields is a problem?  All my variables are populated but instead of going one by one can I just simply get out of the error which field is the specific problem?

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replied on August 21, 2020

Is this for your account or for a customer? Please open a support case so we can track down the full error message.

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replied on August 21, 2020

Its just for our internal cloud system - we are migrated an on premise process to the cloud.  I can open a support case and enable the user if that is best.

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replied on August 21, 2020

Yes, please. We need the instance ID of this workflow instance to look for the error.

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replied on February 21, 2023

To close off this thread for future readers, the issue was due to a number with decimals being passed into the integer parameter. Defect # 414634 was filed to clarify the error message.

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