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freeze vs hold

asked on August 5, 2020

I have to get "up to speed" on records management quickly.  I am confused about the difference between putting a "hold" on a record and putting a "freeze" on a record.  What, if any, difference is there between these two actions?  If there is no difference, I would like to respectfully ask for some consistency in the documentation.

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replied on August 5, 2020 Show version history

They are the same thing. The terminology was changed relatively recently (from "freeze" to "hold"), maybe version 10.3? There shouldn't be any current documentation that uses the term "freeze", but of course the documentation for older versions will continue to use the terms present in the UI of those versions. Perhaps you're looking at the documentation from different releases? If you have any specific examples of where we're using the incorrect term I can pass it along to the User Education team.

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replied on August 5, 2020 Show version history

The user guide does not seem to have been completely updated...

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replied on August 5, 2020

Thank you for reporting it. We'll take care of it. Reference ID 261868.

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