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Web Access button icons not showing

asked on July 30, 2020

I have multiple clients reporting that in Web Access some of the toolbar buttons are there and show the tool tip when hovered on and work if clicked, but do not show the icon so you don't realize it is there at first.  Any ideas on the cause and/or how to resolve this?

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replied on July 31, 2020

Are they using Chrome or Edge based Chromium to visit? There is a known bug in Chrome 84 that sometimes the svg icons won't show(  It affects the web application such as Web Access/Forms that use svn icons, we are currently waiting for the fix from Chromium team. 

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replied on July 31, 2020

I've noticed the same issue in Forms. Thanks for that info!

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replied on August 18, 2020

The latest Chrome 84 update (84.0.4147.125 released the week of 2020-08-10) includes the fix for this issue.

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replied on August 18, 2020

Thanks for the update.  I will let my customers know.

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