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hide folders from users

asked on July 22, 2020

We have a folder called HR Administration.  We only want a group called HR Confidential (Restricted) to even see the folder.  I have removed the Bypass Browse and Bypass Filter Expressions. Currently, the Human Resources group can view/open the folder and see the folders below.   I've read the other posts removing the Bypass and making sure that manage filter expressions is not checked.  Nothing has hidden the HR Administration for the user in the HR group.  







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replied on July 22, 2020

Your screenshot that shows rights on the Human Resources folder does not seem to have the HR group highlight so I can't see the exact rights.  But it looks like based on the scope, you are giving full rights to the HR group for that folder, all subfolders, and all documents, which gives them rights to the HR Admin folder.


You would have to redo your access rights.  On the main HR folder give each group access rights with a scope of "this entry only".  Then for each subfolder, you would have to put access on for the groups that need to see that folder.


I typically give rights as "this entry only", "subfolders", and "documents".


rightslevels.jpg (119.08 KB)
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