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Forms and Access denied 9013 only in Chrome

asked on July 21, 2020

Hi all,

We have been getting reports from end users that they are getting Access Denied when trying to get to Forms.  Works in IE fine.

Anyone else having issues?



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replied on July 21, 2020

That looks like the web client and not Forms. Are you having issues logging in to all products in Chrome? What version of Chrome has the issues? Is it the new Chrome 84? What version of Forms are you on? 

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replied on July 22, 2020

Still waiting to hear back...

Thank you!!

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replied on July 27, 2020 Show version history

Chrome 84 and Laserfiche Forms Professional Version and yes issues loading forms and repository.

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replied on July 22, 2020

I ran into that issue a couple weeks ago after upgrading Web Access from 10.3 to 10.4. The fix ended up being to go into Web Access config, switching off Directory Server, saving, then switching it back on and saving it again.

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replied on July 22, 2020

I have to wait until after 6 and will do and send notification for end users that were having issues to try again.  Will keep you posted.  Thanks!!

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replied on July 22, 2020

So we are load balanced.  We are AD and Directory Server is already off.Not comfortable turning on.  We have had soooo many issues and the only reason we are 10.4.2 because of issues.  I just don't have time to take helpdesk tickets trying to get out processes for HR and Budget& Finance and today Benefits.

I really appreciate the help Pieter and Jared.  Thanks!!! and stay safe and be well!


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