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Workflow/Script to Upload Docs to SharePoint Online

posted on July 15, 2020


There's a nice integration for SharePoint, unless you're using SharePoint Online. Well,

This Workflow and Script allows you to upload small files to SharePoint Online using Microsoft Graph API.


Tested File Types: pdf, tiff, xlsx, docx

Try more and let me know if they work! The script should be able to handle anything.

The uploaded file size is limited to  4MB or less.

The Graph API endpoint I used makes a single request, which causes this size limitation. Graph API is capable of creating "upload sessions" for larger files, but that remains an area for improvement for now.


Check the attached files for the Workflow and Script (had to put fake extensions on them to upload them). Below are instructions for setting things up, but there's also a pdf if you find that easier to read.


Setting Up

What You'll Need

  • LaserFiche Repo Entry - The Script's Default Entry targets the file for upload.
  • Access Token
  • Graph API Parameters
    • SharePoint Drive-ID
    • SharePoint Item-ID of either
      • Target Containing Folder (for new files)
      • Target File (for updating an existing file)


How Files are Selected For Upload

The implementation uploads a file designated by the Script's Default Entry. The Upload HTTP Request is made inside the script, so this bit is pretty simple to set up as it's mostly already done.

More Info: The Graph API Call requires the file contents to be sent as a "Binary Stream." This data type isn't supported outside of the SDK script, which is why the HTTP Request needs to be made within the script instead of using an HTTP Web Request Activity. To export the document to the binary stream, the script must handle electronic document (like a pdf) from those which aren't (like tiff) slightly differently. This is the only distinction made between files, though, and so should be able to handle any file type.


The Access Token

The Access Token is required by the Graph API when making HTTP Requests. To get an Access Token, the workflow makes a request to to authenticate against your Azure AD App Registry. So you'll need to

  1. Make an App Registration
  2. Set the App Registration info in Workflow


Registering an App in Azure AD

You can find MS documentation here, but I've summarized the relevant instructions below if you want to just go for it.

  1. Give your App Registration a name
  2. Probably only want to support "this organization only"
  3. Don't need a Redirect URI

    More info: The redirect URI is for apps that send users to MS for login and then your app awaits MS to send an access token to the redirect URI. We don't need that, as Workflow will simply send a request to MS auth service and then it'll send an access token back in its HTTP Response.

  4. Once registered, grab the data you're going to need from that registry:
    1. Application (client) ID
    2. Directory (tenant) ID
  5. Set the Apps Permissions (as required by the Graph API Upload Call). These are:
    1. Application Level: Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All
  6. Create a new Client Secret
    1. Make a note of this somewhere, it cannot be exposed again on Azure AD Portal.


Setting the Request Parameters

The parameters for acquiring an Access Token can be set in the "Access Token Params" activity in workflow. The parameters are as follows:

  • tenant — From your App Registration
  • client_id — From your App Registration
  • scope — — Default App permissions
  • client_secret — From your App Registration
  • grant_type — client_credentials — For getting an Access Token without a user

For more info about these parameters check MS Docs - Get an access token.

Finally, you'll need to create a webservice object (can't be saved in the workflow I've provided). In the "HTTP Web Request" Activity, under Web Service, select "Manage Web Services…" from the dropdown menu.  Create a new webservice (I called mine "Microsoft Auth") and set the URL to

For more info, see LF Docs - Web Services.


Setting the Graph API Parameters

These are the Graph API calls made to upload your document.

  • New file  —  /drives/{drive-id}/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content
  • Update file  —  /v1.0/drives/{drive-id}/items/{item-id}/content

These are handled within the SDK Script, you just need to supply the parameters.


The Parameters You'll Need

  • Uploading a New File
    • Drive ID — ID of the SharePoint drive you will be using
    • Parent ID — ID of the Drive-Item which will be the parent folder of your new upload
    • FileName — Provide a name for your file here, include the extension
  • Uploading contents to Update an Existing File
    • Drive ID — ID of the SharePoint drive you will be using
    • Item ID — ID of the Drive-Item which you will be updating


How to Get IDs

You can dig out the IDs you need by playing with the Graph Explorer.

I did not find this extraordinarily intuitive, but I'll provide an example of how I find IDs below. If you find/have a better method for finding the required IDs, please tell me know about it. Otherwise, best of luck.


Digging in Graph Explorer Example:

-- These are all GET v1.0 requests --

Find a SharePoint Site using a search keyword:


in the queries below, the ?$select filter isn't required, it just makes the responses easier to read

Use the Site-ID you just found to get the Site Drive:


Note Drive-ID for your params and use it to find Item-IDs, starting at the root:


You can upload to this folder or use this ID to explore sub folders like


That last query will also get you the IDs of files, a requirement for uploading updates.


Setting the Upload Parameters

The SDK Script pulls values from Workflow Tokens which are defined in the workflow Input Parameters.

I also added an assign tokens activity "Upload Request Param Interception" (disabled by default) where you can modify the tokens in the workflow if you wish. For example, you could drop a "Retrieve Business Process Variables" activity in your workflow to use info from a forms process.


That Should Do It

Let me know your thoughts or questions, I hope someone gets some use out of it!

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