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Laserfiche Cloud Page Generation

asked on July 15, 2020 Show version history

We have a process that starts off as a Laserfiche Form in the LF Cloud platform. The data is used to update a word document which is then converted to a PDF. Is it possible to automatically generate the pages from that PDF within Cloud's Workflow designer? There are attachments that are being saved from the Laserfiche Form into the repository (which currently have pages generated) that we would like moved/merged with with the converted PDF.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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replied on July 15, 2020

Seconding this as a feature request. In addition to being able to use the update word doc activity to generate PDFs, I would be great if update word doc activity could be used to generate TIFFs. Alternatively, a separate workflow activity that generated TIFFs would solve the issue too. 

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replied on July 16, 2020


Thanks for your post. This is a topic we in Laserfiche development have been definitely been exploring. Would you be able to explain more context for what this process is for overall and why each of the different formats (Word > PDF > TIFF) are desired?

I ask because we've found that there are a lot of varied use cases that lead to this feature request and we want to make sure the solution we implement covers as many use cases as possible. 

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replied on July 16, 2020

Hi Tess,

The forms process is capturing contract data as well as its uploaded supporting documents which then invokes a workflow to update a necessary structured word document with the data from forms. After updating the word document it is converted to a PDF so it cannot be modified and can be used for signing. Before that occurs the uploaded supporting documents on the form need to be merged with the converted PDF as well so it can be sent as a single document. Currently, the attachments on the form have the pages generated when saved to the repository but it cannot be merged with the converted PDF as it just exists as an electronic file.

Hope this helps with identifying what some potential viable options are for deployment in the cloud platform.

Thanks and look forward to new updates.

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replied on July 16, 2020

Thank you so much for the additional context. One follow-up question: if it were possible to merge certain pages from multiple PDFs into one larger PDF without  first converting them to TIFFs, would that be an acceptable alternate solution for your use case? 

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replied on July 17, 2020


For our use case, being able to merge PDFs without needing pages/TIFFs generated would mostly solve the problem. The other advantage of TIFFs is that cloud content generation (OCRing) runs only on TIFFs and not PDFs. This might not be an issue though as long as the PDFs generated by workflow are already text searchable. 

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replied on July 21, 2020 Show version history


For our use case, being able to merge pages into a single PDF without converting to TIFFs first should be fine. I have the same sentiment as @████████ where with the current Cloud platform TIFFs have an advantage with OCR generation. There is also the ability in which Laserfiche handles TIFFs natively. In this use case, the document would be a final document so there's no problem. In situations where documents may need pages generated to annotate, that may become an issue. Manually generating pages could be a workaround unless an annotation needs to be applied within the process. Just something to think about during development.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and attention.

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replied on September 14, 2022

Hi Tessa,

I just wanted to check in if this feature was still in development or planned for release at some point? Our use case would benefit from either Word->TIFF or PDF->TIFF, enabling direct Word->TIFF would save a step, but as Word docs can be changed to PDF's PDF->TIFF would be a more encompassing solution.



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replied on November 15, 2022

Tessa, it's been a couple of years and I haven't seen any updates on this. We have multiple customers uploading PDF's and then wanting them available for annotations, but it's still a manual process. Is there any update on being able to use or automate the use of the native file format of TIFF?  This seems to be pretty highly sought after, and a little surprising but even using workflow we can't generate pages. Any updates would be outstanding. Thanks

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replied on July 3, 2023

It's been more than a couple of years now and people are still crying out for this in Cloud. When is it going to be implemented please?

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replied on August 13, 2024

@████████ - Has there been any development on this for Cloud?

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