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Compare SQL currency field in workflow

asked on June 16, 2020 Show version history

So maybe I am just not seeing it but I have a workflow that flagged as being over a certain amount and that was not the case. I have two tokens in Workflow - Claims Total and Admin Total.  Both are currency format.

A step in the workflow is a conditional decision to where if either of those amounts are over a threshold stored in SQL as a money type:

In my token tracker I have the results of the query as 25,000 and 38,000

From the same track tokens I have the values of my tokens:

Why would workflow think that 5000 or 0 is greater than 25000 or 38000?

Edit - another shot showing the Conditions:




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replied on June 16, 2020

Hi Chris,

I haven't played around much with the token tags in WF, but I have had success with Number before. What happens when you use the Number tag instead for both ClaimsTotal and AdminTotal?

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replied on June 16, 2020

Huh, well I guess that did it.  I tried formatting the currency field to have four decimal digits as well as assign the output of the query to another token formatted as currency and neither worked.  Thanks Jim, I guess workflow recognized the number field but not currency to currency.

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replied on June 16, 2020

This is a bug. Reference ID 250251. It should work as expected if you flip your condition so the "QueryThreshold" token is on the left. The left side token dictates the data type for the whole condition.

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