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WebLink Licensing Clarification

asked on June 11, 2020

I just need someone to confirm my understanding of how the WebLink licensing works for Subscription, Rio, and Avante.

For the licenses that are XX amount of concurrent connections and the Unlimited concurrent connections for unlimited LF servers, you can install WebLink on as many Windows Servers as you would like (this would exclude the Unlimited concurrent connections for 1 and 2 LF Servers).

For all licenses (except for 5 concurrent connections) you can install as many WebLink instances on a single server as you would like.

Is that correct? Please correct me if I am wrong.

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replied on June 16, 2020 Show version history

I'm not clear whether you're asking about technical details or what's included with a purchase of a public portal license.

Here's some info that might help:

  • On Avante, WebLink typically gets one activation per portal license purchase
  • Edit: On Rio and the standard subscription, WebLink itself has unlimited installs
    • Note that unlimted WebLink installs is not the same as # of public portals you can allocate to different Laserfiche Servers
  • WebLink can be installed on the same machine more than once, but it requires manual setup (of the installation files, the site in IIS, app pool users, etc.)
  • One WebLink can point to multiple Laserfiche servers
    • As long as each of those LF servers has it's own public portal license, WebLink will use the appropriate public portal licensing for each server
    • For Avante systems, you will have different serials for your LF Servers, so WebLink may not be able to point to multiple LF Servers
  • Multiple WebLink installations can be pointed to the same LF server
    • Same consideration about serial numbers for Avante
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replied on June 17, 2020

Thank you Brianna.  For context, I've attached a diagram of what I've asked Blake previously and what we're attempting to accomplish with our client.  The client is licensed for RIO and WebLink (EPLS2).  I want to know if the proposed option (Page 2) will work based on their current licensing.

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replied on June 17, 2020

For Rio, the limiting factor would be the number of public portal licenses they have.

They should be able to install two different instances of WebLink. However, a public portal license can only be allocated to one Laserfiche server, so they must have more than one public portal license.

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replied on June 18, 2020

Based on the diagram provided, they want to install 3 instances of WebLink:

- 1st on the Laserfiche Application server for Internal users (non Public)

- 2nd on a DMZ Web server for Public users

- 3rd on a second DMZ Web server for Internal users (outside access, users forced to authenticate)

Since the customer is licensed for EPLS2 - Rio Public Portal for Two Laserfiche Servers, would this configuration be supported?

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replied on June 18, 2020 Show version history

Nathan, yes.

Rio has no limit on the number of WebLink instances. You could have fifty if you wanted.

The only thing that matter is how many unique Laserfiche Server instances to which WebLink instances serving unlicensed users will connect.

Your diagram indicates three WebLink instances will connect to two Laserfiche Servers. Your EPLS2 license will let you apply a Public Portal license to each Laserfiche Server, so you're covered.

I'll note that you can point a WebLink instance at a repository on a Laserfiche Server that does not have a Public Portal license applied; however, only people with named user licenses assigned will be able to log in. This setup is common for test environments that are not actually publicly exposed like production and where there isn't a "spare" Public Portal license to assign to the test Laserfiche Server.


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replied on March 29, 2023

is it possible to run each instance on different version of LF under the one EPLS2 license?

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replied on March 29, 2023

Yes. Laserfiche licenses only dictate the maximum version. 

For reader context, the EPLS2 license SKU is "Public Portal for Two Laserfiche Servers".

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