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How do I attach a 0 page entry to other documents via workflow?

asked on June 9, 2020

Part of a process I am making requires a PDF to be created and filled out with token data. This part is easy enough; Create Entry > Attach Electronic Document (Fillable PDF template) > Fill Out PDF Form.

However, when I try to merge it together with other supporting documents via workflow it fails as the entry created has 0 pages and is just an electronic file so activities like Move Entry won't work.

I know that if I "Generate Pages" in the repository the entry now has pages and can be moved into the rest of the documents, however, this is not something I can have people do for each and every time this workflow is run.

Is there something I am missing, how do I attach this new entry to the rest of the supporting documents without manual human interaction?

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replied on June 9, 2020

It depends on what all needs to be copied over, but if you just need the electronic document you would first use the Download Electronic Document activity on the source entry, and use the result file in an Attach Electronic Document activity on the target document.

However, if the target document already has an electronic file, this would overrwrite that file.

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replied on June 9, 2020

Let me give this a shot and I'll get right back to you.


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replied on June 9, 2020

Hmm, so on the first attempt the combined document had doesn't show the attached file, I have to Generate Pages to get it to show up in which nothing but the attached file now shows. 


I'll have to give it a few more tests and see if I need to do any tweaking to get it to work.

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replied on June 9, 2020

How are your display settings configured? If it showed up after generating pages, then it had to have been attached.

If you want to see both the pages and the electronic file, you should have both the Image and Electronic File panes open in the document viewer.

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replied on June 9, 2020

Ah, I see where I went wrong, I think it might be slightly broken but once I click on the actual Electronic File display area the File appears, but before that, it doesn't.

However, this causes a second problem, it means that both the Electronic File, Image, and Metadata windows need to be opened at the same time, which I know they won't like, is there any way to get the Image or Electronic File pane to show both items?


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replied on June 9, 2020

There is no way that I'm aware of to get Images and Electronic Files to appear in a single pane because they are stored/presented as very different items in Laserfiche.

I believe the only way to have them both together would be as one type or the other, i.e., all Images/Pages, or all in a single Electronic File.

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replied on June 9, 2020

So if I generate pages on the created entry it finally has pages and can get moved into the main collection of supporting documents, is there any way to "Generate Pages" within Workflow or a similar way to take an Electronic File and convert it to an image or something else that would make the entry an image/something with pages?

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replied on June 9, 2020

You can't currently do it with Workflow unfortunately. The only ways to generate pages without doing it manually or using some external libraries and custom code would be through Import Agent or Quick Fields.

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replied on June 9, 2020

Is there a way to add the later to in to be done automatically? I am trying to remove as much human interaction as possible as well as keeping everything to a single Forms Process for tracking. There is wiggle room, if I can only get one of the two (all in a single forms process, or done with out human interaction) I will take it.

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replied on June 9, 2020

I'm not exactly sure what you mean

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replied on June 9, 2020

Latter two*


Can I implement Import Agent or Quick Field as part of Workflow or Forms.


Can I have Import Agent or Quick Fields automatically take the Electronic File and convert it into an Image?

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replied on June 9, 2020

If you have Quick Fields, it is a somewhat easier option than Import Agent because Import Agent is designed to bring in external files.

However, for Quick Fields, you would need to have the Quick Fields Agent to automatically sweep documents and convert them.

It is very difficult to provide a specific solution because there are a lot of variables.

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replied on June 9, 2020

Alright, I believe I have Quick Fields let me take a look and see what I can find.


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replied on June 10, 2020

Alright, so I found our Quick Field server and have been playing around with it. I set up a process to "scan" the entry and move it to the right folder, but the issue is it still doesn't that it has "pages". In fact, nothing seems to happen to the document at all other then being moved. It isn't modified at all, for testing I have the borders removed and an Omni Page OCR, but once down the original document is moved but unchanged.

How do I make the changes stick?

How do I set this up to run whenever a new document is added to that folder?

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replied on June 10, 2020 Show version history

It is worth noting that when Quick Fields picks up documents, it moves, or deletes, the original and creates an entirely new document with the changes.

So if the process is actually running correctly then the output entry should have an entirely different entry id than the original one.

Also, what I was saying before is that Quick Fields can only be run automatically with Quick Fields Agent, which allows the profiles to be run on schedules.

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replied on June 10, 2020 Show version history

ID seems to be the same, it is just shuffling the same document around. With the same last modified time.

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replied on June 10, 2020

If the ID is the same, then that is not the "output" document, it just means QF at least tried to pick it up the original and relocated it so it wouldn't pick it up again.

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replied on June 10, 2020

How would I fix this error?

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replied on June 10, 2020

Wait, I found a Store all Documents option. How do I get this to store the new document automatically?

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replied on June 10, 2020

That's not an error, and like I said, you need Quick Fields Agent to automate this.

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replied on June 10, 2020

Alright, I will take a look at Import Agent as I know I have that.

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replied on June 10, 2020 Show version history

Import Agent will not work since you are saying the PDF is generated in Laserfiche by filling out a PDF form. Import Agent's purpose is to bring in files from external sources, like network drives. It cannot generate pages for documents already in Laserfiche.

Could you explain the whole process to us so we can maybe come up with a better suggestion? You say that you're trying to combine documents so Move Entry will work, but Move Entry does not make a distinction between documents with pages and ones that only have an electronic component.

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replied on June 10, 2020

Would the "Download Electronic File" allow me to put the document somewhere other than the Repository then pull it back in with Import Agent?

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