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Select from a drop down box

asked on May 4, 2020

Should I be able to select a value from a drop down box on a web page using a Laserfiche bot?  I have tried to get it to select a value in both Chrome and IE but no luck so far.  I wanted to see if I was missing something.

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replied on May 4, 2020

Hi Janice, 

There are actually many forms of dropdowns in websites. While we support standard dropdowns, many websites use more unusual ways of making a dropdown or their own custom code. Are you willing to share what webpage this is so the development team can look into what makes this particular dropdown different? 

Also, have you tried writing to the dropdown? Clicking tends to be the part that differs page to page, but most (although not all) will let you write to a dropdown the same way. In general, I would recommend this over clicking a dropdown even if the clicking dropdown worked, as clicking a line of the dropdown may change if items are added before it, causing an error, whereas writing to the dropdown should work identically each time. 




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replied on May 4, 2020

Unfortunately this is a Police Department records web application.

I tried this.  I can click on the drop down and then select Detailed Report.

But when I try to run it, I get an error message that the control isn't found.

Tried the same thing in IE:

When I try to record copying and pasting into the field I get this error:



Not sure what to try next.


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replied on May 5, 2020

Thanks for your response, Cosette. 

Would it be possible to set up a web meeting with the developers to have someone look at this with me? 

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replied on May 5, 2020

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replied on May 5, 2020

I tried writing to the field using the Laserfiche Connector Test Utility.  Tried both the Use UI AUtomation to find controls and Use Javascript to find controls.  In both cases it could read the value but not write to the field.

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replied on May 5, 2020

Interesting, although not entirely unexpected. Bots also run using uiautomation and javascript to find controls, the only difference is bots have the knowledge to know which to pick for you. 

Our developers for this project were on holiday yesterday, but I've sent them this thread to look at when they get back in. The dev tools you posted below will likely be helpful for them to see if there is something particularly unique here. 

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replied on May 5, 2020

Thanks so much, Cosette.  I look forward to hearing from them.

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