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How to retrieve template fields

asked on May 1, 2020 Show version history

Hi All,

I need to retrieve multi valued field in a template assigned to multiple documents . The retrieved field values will be saved in SQL table.

Any suggestion on how to achieve that.


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replied on May 1, 2020

Hi Naveed

In Workflow you will need to use either a Search or Retrieve Entries Activity to Target the Documents.

For there, you would use a For each Entry as you need to loop through the Documents you found.

Inside that loop, use the Retrieve field values to get the Template values for that document.

You'll like need another loop, For Each Value in the Multi-token Field and then an Insert Query to push it to the DB.

Here is an example


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replied on May 4, 2020 Show version history

Hi Steve,


I tried your workflow process. But my problem is I want to arrange the data that i retrieve from the multi-value fields to a one row in DB.


Ex: I have a Template has a multi-value field.


1. Last Name is multi-value field. 2. First Name is multi-value field also. 

Last Name Value:




First Name Field Values:





I want to arrange this in DB like this:

Last Name    First Name

Abadan        Early

Arenasa       Matthew

Vilelan        Reymarks


I hope you will help me on this problem.



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replied on May 4, 2020

When using a Multi-value token, each entry into the token tracked by an Index field, as in Line 1, Line 2, Line 3. When you insert the data, you can choose the value from the loop for the Current value of the Field selected (ie: Last Name), and then use the Token editor to pick the value from the other field (First Name) using the Loops iteration value as the index number.

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replied on May 7, 2020

Can you give me an exact workflow process?


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replied on May 12, 2020

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the instruction on how i do it.

I have other workflow process to make,

The process flow will be like this,

1. Field Names are ID Number, Full Name, Subject 1 to Subject 6, Rating 1 to Rating 6.

2. Retrieved Multi-Value Field and Single Field - The Multi-Value Fields are ID Number, Full Name, Rating 1 to Rating 6. The Subject 1 to Subject 6 is a single field.

3. Insert the Field Value to DB.


How to insert the Field value to DB look like this,

ID Number            Full Name                    Subject    Rating
01234560    ABAD, JOHN MAUSISA             AD          80                    
01234560    ABAD, JOHN MAUSISA             AS           77
01234560    ABAD, JOHN MAUSISA             AP           82
01234560    ABAD, JOHN MAUSISA            AC            82
01234560    ABAD, JOHN MAUSISA            ENE          77
01234560    ABAD, JOHN MAUSISA            MA           88


I hope you can help me on this problem.




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replied on May 13, 2020

Hi Rafael

I'm thinking you could add the Subject fields to a Multi-Token value first which would then give you a value similar to the other. Then insert them to the table using Insert Data using (index) as I had talked about about. This should get you to what you want


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replied on May 14, 2020

Hi Steve,

Thank you for the response.

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replied on May 15, 2020

Hi Steve,

I tried your workflow process and it works good.

But the output is different form what I want.

Please see the image below for your reference, for the output that I want.

I'm hoping you can help me regarding on this,



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replied on May 15, 2020

I Raphael

Can you send a Screen shot of how the Data looks in the Metadata Field Pane for a Document. Can be dummy data so you aren't sharing peoples info

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replied on May 16, 2020

Hi Steve,


This are the Screenshot that you asking.





ID & FullName.png
Subj.1 Subj.2, Rat.1 Rat.2.png
Subj.3 Subj.4, Rat.3 Rat.4 - Copy.png
Subj.5 Subj.6, Rat.5 Rat.6.png
GA,Rem.png (36.55 KB)
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replied on May 18, 2020

Hi Steve,


Any update about this?



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replied on May 18, 2020

Hi Rafael

This is fairly straight forward and only requires 1 Loop.

Once you retrieve the Metadata values I write all of the Subject values into a Token so I can use Index to pick the row. I am also using Index with the Retrieve Field Entries.

I used the ID field for the loop, and the iteration in the index to grab the Row data for each of the other values


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replied on May 19, 2020 Show version history

Hi Steve,

What about the Rating Field? How to configure it?

Thank you

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replied on May 19, 2020

Hi Rafael

As you have Multiple Rating fields (1 to 6) with each being a Multi-Value field, I assume you are inputting all of those values in the Table, and you would the same technique as the Full Name field

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replied on May 20, 2020

Hi Rafael, I see your confusion.

Like the Subject Token, you would read the rating into a Token (RateAll), but this time you will do that inside the loop so you can accumulate Row 1 for all of the Rating Vales, then Row 2, etc, using the For each Value Iteraction to work down throw the row data on each loop. When you write to the table, you will write the values from the new RateAll token as it will get refreshed on each loop

Here is the WF below

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replied on May 23, 2020

Hi Steve,

I will try the WF.

Thank you

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replied on May 24, 2020

Hi Steve,

It works fine and i get the exact output that i wanted. Thanks for the help.


Thank you again.

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