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approve button in body of email

asked on April 15, 2020


I am creating a facilities checklist process.  As part of the process I would like my CAO  approve a report in the body of the email


Secondly I would like to know in tasks if there are several facilities checklists to be approved can these be approved in bulk in outstanding tasks. 



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replied on April 16, 2020

Hi Christine,


If your "facilities checklist process" are LF forms process.

YES, you can set up Direct Approval in the process diagram, User Task.


And secondly, if you have multiple forms, all assigned to the same user.

You can use the bulk approval process.

The user need to go in his Inbox and select the task and bulk approve.

3 0
replied on January 6, 2023

Direct approval via email buttons is supported with Forms 11 Update 3.

You can see other changes of Forms 11 Update 3 from and get Forms 11 Update 3 from Laserfiche 11 package

1 0
replied on April 16, 2020

Thank you for the help.  


To confirm when you mean inbox you are referring to the inbox in forms correct


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replied on April 16, 2020

Forms Inbox, just like the screenshot.

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replied on April 21, 2020



My apologizes for not responding to your question sooner.


The email notification received  by the CAO I would like to have an approve button  without opening a task 


Chris Edwards

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replied on April 22, 2020

Receiving an email notification is outside Laserfiche environment.
So having an approve button in your email task is impossible.
You will use either your preferred email and this is not available.


The CAO need to reply to this email with your custom message like "APPROVE" or "REJECT" then Laserfiche will monitor this reply and continue the business process. The CAO do not need to open the task assigned to him to complete it .

I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain.

2 0
replied on August 23, 2023

Can the color be changed on those buttons?

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