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Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int16.

asked on April 14, 2020 Show version history

Hi Guys,


Hoping someone can help. I am having an issue with a custom query trying to write to Sage. 

I have assigned a BSB token value and set this as integer (or number)


and then try my custom query:


but I get this error in the workflow.


Any ideas how to resolve this?


I had tried an insert query previous to this but I get a type mismatch as the BSB column is a decimal and any token tags set would not work. Also this is an ODBC connection, not possible for a direct connection.

Also, if I hardcode the value in the custom query it works.



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replied on April 14, 2020 Show version history

The Int16 parameters should be between -32768 to +32767, so I believe you should try using Short Integer

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replied on April 14, 2020

The value used in the screenshot is outside that range, so the error is likely correct.

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replied on April 15, 2020

Thanks guys! The answer was changing the int16 to int32. It had been a long day :)

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