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Sorting - Folders vs Documents

asked on April 9, 2020 Show version history

I'm trying to figure out how to customize Web Access to sort folders and documents in the same way.  I have one client that keeps all the folders and documents together.  I am sorting on a date field.


I have anther client that sorts them as one list.  This is the desired way. 

I'm assuming there is a very easy fix and I am just completely missing something very simple.

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replied on April 9, 2020

Hey Mark, 


You can enable this setting by applying the attribute [Settings]ColumnGroupedByFoldersAndDocuments to 'No' on the user. You can also sign in as that user in the Windows Client, go to Tools->Options->Browser->Settings, and uncheck the checkbox 'Group entries by folders and documents'. 



The Web Client doesn't expose the option in the Options page, but it will respect the attribute if it's set on a user .



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replied on April 10, 2020


Thank you!  So I wasn't going nuts by not seeing it in the web client.  Perfect.  I appreciate the response.

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