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Can the timeout period for submitting a specific form be removed?

asked on March 13, 2020

We have a self evaluation form's process that sometimes takes the user a while to submit due to the desire to be thorough in their answers to each of the questions. As a result, we've had a couple of users go to hit "Submit" on their form, only to be notified that the session has timed out, with no means of backtracking to get back all of that information they just provided.

Is it possible to remove a timeout period solely for a specific forms process, without affecting all form's processes globally?

If not, where can I find the setting that handles timeout periods for Form's submissions, so I can either add a note at the beginning of the Form indicating how much time the user has to complete it, or else modify it to last much longer than it's currently set to?

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replied on March 15, 2020

What error did the user get when they submit the form? Did they get error "Invalid form data was sent to the server. This can occur if the form is out of date. Please refresh this form and try again. [LFF2106-InvalidDataSent]"?

The timeout setting is configured on User Authencation page from Forms Configuration site, it is a global settings that will affect all processes.

If you enable this settings, the user will be notified 2 minutes before the session timeout rearches and will auto redirect back to the login page.

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replied on March 23, 2020

If this is not set - what causes a form to time out?  Can that interval be adjusted?

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replied on March 24, 2020

Did you get a time out error as well? What is the exact error message?

Which authentication method are you using? Laserfiche Server or Laserfiche Directory Server?  And what's the version of the Forms?

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replied on March 24, 2020

We are using LFDS for authentication and are on Forms  I've requested a screenshot of the error, but I do know that the form resets all fields and reloads when this happens.

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replied on March 24, 2020

In Forms 10.4.4, we will adding an feature that allow you to recover your fields data when you get error on submitting form.

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replied on March 25, 2020

Thanks that will be a great enhancement

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