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Form line item approval

asked on March 12, 2020

Hi, I am looking to figure out the best way to have a form that allows for a line item approval and require that the approver provide comments if any item is denied. See the form below;

What is best way to make the approver comments required in the case of one or more denials?

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replied on March 12, 2020 Show version history

Couple ways to do it, But I am following this one as the FIND command has a bug in it.

In your Table Approval Drop Down Field, assign a Value of 0 to Approved and 1 to Deny

Create a new Number Field and name it Status. Under Advanced use this formula (Use the token picker to chose the Approval field in your table to get variable right)


The Status value will be greater than 0 if one of the lines in your table was selected as Deny

Make the Comments Field required by Default and set a field rule to SHOW the Comments field when the Status value is Greater than 0, so it will only show and be required to be completed when Deny has been chosen in one of your lines


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replied on March 13, 2020

Thank you very much Steve!!!

That sounds like a very good solution. Will work on it and report back. The one thing that I wanted to do is to make the comments required, but the specific comments field that is part of the approval section. I'll try to use some javascript to accomplish that.


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