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The event type - Delete,purge and recycle entry in Audit Trail.

asked on February 11, 2020 Show version history


   I have logged in as admin and created the entry id no 6 then deleted and purged it.

  When I checked Audit Trail 10.4, there is no record with delete entry but purge entry instead. (I also have recycle entry check.)

What is the difference between delete and purge entry?

What situation should delete entry have checkd?


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replied on February 11, 2020

Delete is only how the user perceives the action. Behind the scenes, there are actually 2 events: Recycle Entry (when the user presses Delete, the entry is moved to the Recycle Bin) and Purge Entry (when the entry is permanently removed from the recycle bin either because it exceeded the repository's age limits or because a user or an admin deliberately emptied the recycle bin).

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replied on February 11, 2020

Hi Miruna,

     Thank you for your explanation.

The Purge Entry and Recycle Entry point, they are clear to me.

please confirm for last point,

     Having only the delete entry checked in Audit Trail, There will be no result on the right pane in any action.

And that's why there is no delete entry record on screepshot.

Is this correct?





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replied on February 12, 2020

Right. If the recycle bin is enabled, there should never be a delete event.

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replied on February 13, 2020

Hi All,

  Thank you both for your clear answers.

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