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Set Inclusive Gateway based on all radio boxes

asked on February 7, 2020

I have a basic checklist form with 30 radio boxes. They all have the same choices, OK NO or NA. I want to use the inclusive gateway and base a path weather or not any of the radio boxes have a value of NO. Is there a built in, or easy way to do this?


I have set up all the radio boxes manually before, but I have a lot more forms I will have to do like this. I would love to make it a little easier and less error prone.


I have thought about using some JavaScript and a hidden field that will have a value once anything had a value of NO, but Id like a native way in Laserfiche, if at all possible.

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replied on February 11, 2020 Show version history

Hi Tre,

If you put these as rows in a table, instead of individual variables, you can use the table's column in a single conditional statement, and it will only go down the branch if at least one row is set to that.

For example, for the following table:

This conditional will only execute if at least one is "No":


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replied on February 7, 2020

Hey there Tre,

  So I like to write up lengthy, but explanative replies so bear with me. So below is a picture of the inclusive gateway options in the process designer.

If you notice I have set the radio button's value = to NO.

Next, you would click Insert then click the "or" button. From there you would find the next radio button and do the same thing, making it look like the picture below.

I personally hit enter after the "or" so they each have their own line and it makes it look nice, but you can format it however you like.

Now keep in mind this is the NATIVE way to do this. You would need some Javascript if you wished to hit them all in one go and probably have a hidden field to tell the process that "yes, one of these radio buttons is a 'NO'".

If you ever are interested in a Javascript way, just let me know. Hope this helps.

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replied on February 7, 2020

Thanks for your reply!

I know this is a way, but with some of my forms with 50+ radio boxes and a lot of different variables, this is very error prone, and troublesome. Even more so when I get passed so many, it starts to glitch the box out on me and I have to constantly go click out and back in. (May be my web browser, not sure(firefox)).


I can do something in javascript myself , just wanted to see if there was another native way that would work before I extended it to do something that was already built in.


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replied on February 7, 2020



This is just a small form that requires this, and it took a hot minute and had errors I had to troubleshoot


Also, this issue where it glitches out is also on chrome, so don't think its browser based.


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replied on February 7, 2020

Not when it comes to the gateways. Unfortunately, they are locked down to the forms variables as their "ands", "ors", and the like. It probably glitched because of the sheer amount of checks it's running

Good luck with the Javascript!

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