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css coding for two class on a single line

asked on January 17, 2020 Show version history

Hi, I have this on my CSS and JavaScript

id="q4" class="form-q label-left"

the id is easy. it's the class I'm having problems with. My break down is like this.

#q4 .form-q .label-left {padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;}

this is not working. So does anybody know what is the proper CSS coding are for these two classes?


Thanks In Advance

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replied on January 19, 2020

Hi Carlos, are you trying to set all labels to the left?

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replied on January 19, 2020 Show version history

Actually, this is what I'm doing. In the layout I place </> Custom HTML. I was flush the number list to the Left by taking out the Margin and Padding along with making the font  Times New Roman

Forms gave me this id="q4" class="form-q label-left"

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