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[Bug Report] Forms Email Issue with Newlines in Web Client Search URLs

posted on January 6, 2020

I recently experienced an issue when attempting to send emails in Forms containing a link whose URL is a process field variable generated by the Workflow Generate Laserfiche Web Client URLs activity, and populated to the process using the Set Business Process Variables activity.

It appears that any newline characters present in the Use Laserfiche search syntax of the generate web client URLs activity are passed as part of the URL.  If the URL is displayed in a Custom HTML element on a form, the link works correctly.  However, if the URL is used in a link in an Email Service Task in Forms, the newline is converted to a line break (<br>) element, resulting in the search syntax being invalid (An unrecognized character was encountered. [9085]).

In both examples below, a workflow that generate a sample repository search URL and set the value to a process variable was invoked from a Forms process.  That URL was then used as the link target in an email.


Invalid Syntax Resulting in an Error

Valid Syntax without Error

I encountered this issue as a result of what appears to be an unrelated issue in the Workflow Designer, where I had inserted a new line in the search syntax to help visually validate.  When I backspaced to remove the newline before publishing the workflow, it appeared to have worked as expected.  However, when I copied the syntax to a text edit, a newline was still present.  I haven't been able to determine steps to reproduce this issue consistently, however.

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replied on January 12, 2020

Hi David,


Thanks for reporting the issue, I found the way to reproduce consistently and filed bug 217433 for it, my steps are as follows for your reference:

  1. Create a bp with start event, workflow service task, user task, email service task, and create a form to include a single line field and custom html
  2. Configure custom HTML and email service task with same element, the variable is from same single line field
  3. Create a workflow with a Generate Web Client URL and Set Business Process Variable activity, the search syntax in url is set to two lines, then assign the url to this single line field
  4. Start this process, the url in custom html and in email open well
  5. Only delete the single line field, save the bp,submit and check the urls again, when open the url from email, there will have <br> in syntax
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