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Form Footer

asked on December 30, 2019



I am trying to get a footer on each page of a form that is submitted to the repository. I have added this code, but the footer appears at the end of the form and not on each page. I would also like the footer to include variables on the form. Does anybody have a solution for this. Thanks in advance! 

$(document).ready( function () {
  $('<footer style="position: fixed; bottom: 0"><p>YOUR TEXT HERE</p></footer>').insertAfter($('.cf-formwrap'));


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replied on December 30, 2019

How about using a Custom HTML box at the bottom of each page?

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replied on December 31, 2019

The form has a table with an undetermined number of rows so that won't work. 

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replied on December 30, 2019

If you want to apply it to all the processes, you can add the option suggested at

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replied on December 31, 2019

I'm also looking to have a variable from the form included so I don't think that would work. Thanks though. 

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replied on December 31, 2019

You could add a section with css class .Footer to each page, using Page Break feature and add the below jquery. 

$(document).ready( function () {

  $('<footer style="position: fixed;"><p>YOUR TEXT HERE</p></footer>').appendTo($('.Footer'));



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