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Why business process will not send email

asked on November 18, 2019

I have a form where one worker is selecting a Social Worker I am asking the form to send the manager of the worker an email letting them know that the worker has received a new task. The form is notifying the Social Worker but the process seems to stop when trying to email supervisor.

Process.png (35.73 KB)
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replied on November 18, 2019

What do the error logs say? You can check under the Monitor tab, selecting the instance that failed, and opening the clipboard (error log). My guess is that there is not an email address specified for the Forms user you are sending the email to, or the exclusive gateway is not set up properly (thus not reaching the email tasks).

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replied on November 18, 2019



It does not give me an error

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replied on November 18, 2019

If you click on the user task, is the option to email the user when the task is assigned selected? Do you know if that user has an email address associated with their Forms account? You can check by clicking on your name in the top right and clicking on Account.

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replied on November 18, 2019


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replied on November 18, 2019

Yes the option to send email when task is assigned is not an option as we are using a condition that is assigned by the variable Social Worker Name. If the original submitter selects a social worker in a drop down list then the process "should" email the supervisor of the Social Worker that was assigned the task. Yes the user has an email associated with their forms account.

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