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Create Exchange Item (using Office 365)

asked on November 14, 2019



One of our customer had exchange on Premise. They have a workflow that creates Exchange Items on their outlook. It was working until they switch to off premise (Office 365). Upon configuration we are getting the error when we try to Test URL from workflow. If I change the Type to Custom rather than Exchange connection becomes successful any thoughts?



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replied on November 14, 2019

Hi Paul,


I had the same error message,.

It was my firewall that preventing exchange to establish the connection.

I do confirm that its working.


Workflow version




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replied on June 3, 2022

Hi there,

Please confirm where you changed the Firewall settings as well as confirming if the issue was corrected on the Server side or Office 365?

If it is not too much trouble, would it be possible to get screenshots of the Changes made?

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