I want to pull the second string in a comma delimited list where the first value is numeric and the second is alpha.
I'm using `\d[^,]+(?=,)` to pull the numeric value in the first field and just need help with pulling the second value from the "Name" column.
Here's part of a sample file that I'm trying to extract data from:
Address Number,Name,Employee Master Exist(Y/N),Auto-Deposit Exists(Y/N),Supplier Master Exists(Y/N),Supplier Master Created,ACH Account Exists(Y/N),ACH Account Created,ACH Same as Auto-deposit(Y/N)
//line break here is for clarity and does not exist in file//
4398,Presley Elvis Aaron,Y,N,Y,N,Y,N,N
10154,Shepard Alan Barrett,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,N,N
Since I'm already pulling the "Address Number" column successfully into a multi-value token, I am planning on creating a second multi-value token for the "Name" column and would like assistance with a regex that will work for that. Thanks!