Hello Everyone!
I am horrible at IIS and certificates and was wondering if you guys would be able to give me some insights on what the fix for my issue is.
I am trying to setup weblink. I have everything setup internally and can access it inside the network. Externally is my issue. Our external link is https://lf.princeton-il.com/WebLink/Browse.aspx?cr=1 however we get the "The TLS/SSL host name does not match the host name in the X.509 certificate."
This is where I get confused. I am assuming it has something in IIS not looking at the right cert or I have something misconfigured. On the server I have I used Let's Encrypt to get a cert for lf.princeton-il.com. Obviously internally the server name is something else. I only show that cert in there on under default website. Not sure if I need an internal one maybe? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks for your help!