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problem deactivation laserfiche rio

asked on November 5, 2019

after formatting my server after an attack of a ransomware virus i start to install directory server to activate master license i have a message "The maximum number of activations reached for this key: Activation failed. (LFDS10) (LMO24)" i tried to disable laserfiche through the command "ActivationToolNet4.exe -deactivate -key ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE -fingerprint 1234567890ABCDE1234567890ABCDE12 -hostid 00-11-22-33-44-55" but I have this message that appears "product deactivation failed contact laserfiche support 

what solution

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replied on November 6, 2019

I wrote the disable command as it says "ActivationToolNet4.exe -deactivate -key ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE -fingerprint 1234567890ABCDE1234567890ABCDE12 -hostid 00-11-22-33-44-55" and i replace the key and fingerprint and the hostid by the one of lesser server but it does not always work this message which appears "product activating failed please contact laserfiche support for assistance an unknown error has occured"

Deactivation.png (194.73 KB)
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replied on November 5, 2019

I don't see any deactivation attempts for your key, just validation and activation requests. Are you sure you replaced the placeholder text in the deactivation command with the correct value?

Your reseller and Laserfiche Tech Support can help you sort that out.

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replied on November 6, 2019

I wrote the disable command as it says "ActivationToolNet4.exe -deactivate -key ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE -fingerprint 1234567890ABCDE1234567890ABCDE12 -hostid 00-11-22-33-44-55" and i replace the key and fingerprint and the hostid by the one of lesser server but it does not always work this message which appears "product activating failed please contact laserfiche support for assistance an unknown error has occured"

Deactivation.png (194.73 KB)
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replied on November 6, 2019

Have you tried deactivating from a different machine?  Sometimes the servers do not have access to the internet and/or the LF Activation server.

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