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Best way to provide a clickable hyperlink for users viewing a document in the mobile app?

asked on October 29, 2019



We have a customer with a process that involves users driving to work sites. What they would like to do is provide a way for these users to easily find a link somewhere on a document in the mobile app that will take them to a Google Maps URL for the location, and they can get directions from there. They have a form in place where they can submit the URL when they add a site location to Laserfiche, so we can get the URL. But I'm not sure of the best way to provide a clickable link to this URL. Any tips?


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replied on October 29, 2019

To clarify a little bit, each site has a "site info" document that gets filled out. It contains info like site name, site number, owner, etc. What they'd like to do is somehow provide a hyperlink for users to click when viewing the document that will take them to the Google Maps site they submitted when registering the site via Laserfiche Forms.

We've tested sticky notes, which are able to turn URLs into hyperlinks in the desktop client but not the mobile app. Using the web client on a phone does work, but we'd like to make this work using the app.

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