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Resubmitting Previously Submitted Form Data

asked on October 3, 2019

We have a customer that built a form for Vendor registrations but since the Company Name field is within a Table, they cannot sort by it in their Forms report. We are trying to essentially pull that previously submitted Forms data from the Forms Database and resubmit it using Workflow into a new Form where the Company Name is not in a table so they do not have to manually resubmit everything.

I am using this SQL query to grab each Submission ID for that Form and then a 2nd query to combine all of the Forms data from the various tables within the Forms DB: 

SELECT cf_fields.*, cf_bp_data.*
FROM cf_bp_data INNER JOIN cf_fields
ON cf_fields.attribute_id = cf_bp_data.attribute_id
WHERE form_id = '68' and submission_id='574'
order by submission_id

But I am having a hard time figuring out the best way to tell Workflow where to put the data in the new Form . Anyone know of a way I can accomplish this if it is even possible?

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replied on October 3, 2019

In workflow, you should use the Invoke Business Process activity.

From within that Activity, you choose which Forms Process you are going to launch, choose the Form fields you want to populate within the Forms Process, and then assign the query data to the fields

An example would be like this

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replied on October 3, 2019

Sorry I should have been more specific, the data in the Forms DB only has a column with all of the values and a separate column for all the field names. So the only thing I see as my variable is "value". There is no way to guarantee the data will be inserted into the correct Forms field.

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replied on October 30, 2021

Was there an eventual resolution on this activity you were trying to do?  Problem with Answers is that there are lots of great examples like this of practical applications, but no conclusion as to what worked in these cases.

I think many folks need something like what you are trying to accomplish--automating resubmissions, or having a process to reuse data from a previous entry without manually keying in the data.

Thank you!

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