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iframe "refused to connect"

asked on September 27, 2019 Show version history

Using Custom HTML, I was trying to iFrame a web page and I got the following message:

It seems that internal sites work and external sites, sitting outside of internal domain, don't work.

Would this be due to X-Frame option: SAMEORIGIN? If so, is there anyway to disable this?


Thanks in advance :)

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replied on January 18, 2024

In 11 update 5 there is a setting added under the forms config > advanced where you can set X-Frame option to blank.  Which will disable the added security. 


We were able to resolve embedded web pages in forms and custom urls simply by adding the domains into Allowed IFrame Hosts in the LFDSSTS configuration.  However for a public form, we have embedded, the only fix was to set the X-Frame option to blank.

We haven't decided what the long term fix is but at least our public users are able to access the form again.  

Hope this helps someone.

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replied on September 30, 2019


I have the same problem! Any resolve on this?

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replied on September 30, 2019

Some webpages refuse to be displayed inside iframes. so you may be running into this error.

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replied on September 30, 2019

The web page (ESRI) i am using in the iframe worked whole of last week while doing developments, but now it doesn't. 

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replied on September 30, 2019

This is not something Laserfiche can fix. Have you tried bringing it up in the ESRI forums? It looks like it they had a bug earlier this year.

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replied on September 30, 2019

Thank you, i have contacted ESRI and seeing GIS specialist tomorrow to assist me with this issue. It is to do with their domain header settings not allowing another domain to connect even though it worked on the initial development.

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