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Is there a way to hide or exclude the URL in WebLink 10?

asked on September 19, 2019

A user has transitioned from Weblink 8 to Weblink 10 with public portal, and is having an issue with Weblink 10's URL showing the repository at the tail end.

Below are URL's to the same path, the first in Weblink 8, the second in Weblink 10. The issue is with the Weblink 10 URL showing the repo=LCIMAGING, showing the repository on each folder or document as they are accessed by a user.

Weblink 8: http://lfweb/Weblink/browse.aspx?dbid=0

Weblink 10: http://lfweb10/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=2602713&dbid=0&repo=LCIMAGING

We checked the compatibility of the URL's between the two versions to ensure that it wasn't a compatibility issue; We tried sending a document with a link that was created in Weblink 8 and embedded that link in an email.

When doing this, we used http://lfweb/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=6703433&dbid=0&cr=1 as the embedded link, and when opened it in Weblink 10, it was the same link and working as intended. We're thinking that there is possibly a default setting within Weblink 10 that automatically puts the repo=LCIMAGING at the end of the URL?

I've attached two screenshots: Example 1 showing the incorrect default URL format, Example 2 showing the tested format from the embedded email. Both are coming from the "LCIMAGING" repository, but example 2 does exhibit that within the URL.

Would there be a way to hide/mask or exclude the repository from the URL as the default within Weblink 10?

example1.png (96.29 KB)
example2.png (369.66 KB)
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replied on September 19, 2019

There isn't currently a way to hide it. Can you say more about why you want to remove it? The repository name also shows up in the breadcrumb - is that a concern?

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replied on September 19, 2019

Hi Brian,

Understood, thank you. The concern is strictly with the URL; they find that having the repo='repository' is something that is proprietary to their business and don't want it to be available to the public.

To my knowledge, the breadcrumb isn't an issue. I'll attach two more screenshots that help decipher this better.

The 'HomePageV10' screenshot shows how the site looks from a read-only access account when they go to the welcome page. The 'BoardDocumentsSelected' screenshot shows when they select an option on that welcome page. The repository isn't in view from the breadcrumbs here, however it is included in the URL which is the primary concern.

HomePageV10.png (351.12 KB)
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replied on September 23, 2019

In the Public Portal that we are intending to publish in the next month or so. We defaulted the public user to the lower folder level in the Designer so the repository and upper folder level would not be seen in the Breadcrumbs as that is again not something the public should be able to see. We understand that the documents are considered Public, however internal processes and resources are not. We also had to figure out how to remove the path ourselves from the entry properties on the left of the folder list, and on the document properties when a document is opened. This also showed the repository and full path to the files. Neither of these items should seen by the public. or at least they should be something we can easily turn off if we chose to do so. It would be greatly appreciated that these things be considered for future enhancements. Thanks.

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