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Quick Fields Agent Session Errors - RPC server is unavailable - BPINTERFACES81Lib.IBPEngineEx

asked on August 26, 2019

We have a had specific errors on two specific quick fields sessions (when run through agent) for 2+ years.  Until now we have only see them a couple of times a year.  In the last week, we have seen it more than a dozen times.  This began in LF 9 and now we are on Quick Fields and 10.0 for QF Agent.


I am unable to determine what is causing these errors.  First error is when the session runs for an hour and terminates itself.  The Results section of the session shows it only ran for less than a minute.  But the log shows that it ran for an hour, became inactive, and terminated.  In the screen shot it show that there were not even any documents waiting to be processed.


The second issue tends to create bigger problems.  The session analysis shows that is is unable to cast COM object and RPC server is unavailable.  I have included the full errors log below.  The issue that this one sometimes creates is that it does not pull all the documents (or even all the pages from a single document) and so the document is not recycled and it keeps pulling the same document over and over.  We are using the Laserfiche Capture Engine to pull document previously scanning into the repository via Laserfiche Scanning.


<Error Time="08/26/2019 13:55:10" Type="InvalidCastException" Message="Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'BPINTERFACES81Lib.IBPEngineEx'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{5168B92F-51B0-46CF-9094-30BFCA8F77ED}' failed due to the following error: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA).">
  <HelpLink />
  <Trace>   at System.StubHelpers.StubHelpers.GetCOMIPFromRCW(Object objSrc, IntPtr pCPCMD, IntPtr&amp; ppTarget, Boolean&amp; pfNeedsRelease)
   at BPINTERFACES81Lib.IBPEngineEx.set_Properties(String Name, Object pVal)
   at Laserfiche.BatchProcessor.ComponentModel.EngineProxy.set_Item(String propertyName, Object value)
   at Laserfiche.QuickFields.Processes.Proxies.CaptureEngineProxy.ResetQueue()
   at Laserfiche.QuickFields.Runtime.QFSessionProcessor.ProcessingThread_QueueEmpty(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at Laserfiche.BatchProcessor.Runtime.ProcessingThread.ProcessItemsThread(Object state)</Trace>
<Error Time="08/26/2019 13:55:10" Type="COMException" Message="The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)">
  <HelpLink />
  <Trace>   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.Unadvise(Int32 dwCookie)
   at Laserfiche.BatchProcessor.ComponentModel.EngineAdapter.DisconnectEngine()</Trace>



Nothing shows up in the event logs when these errors happen.  Any help in where to look to resolve it would be much appreciated.




QFTerminate.png (13.68 KB)
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replied on November 26, 2019

I am getting the same errors (I am using the same QF and QF Agent versions), at times I also get a CQFSession.RunPreProcesses unknown error. There is no real explanation for this error and there is nothing in the Windows Event Viewer.

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replied on November 26, 2019

If you have Laserfiche Support, you may want to reach out to them to look at it.  We are currently working with Laserfiche Support to attempt to find and resolve the issue.


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replied on March 27, 2020



What was the resolution to this issue?



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replied on March 27, 2020

No.  There has been no resolution yet.  We have been working with LF Support to do various testing and the only thing we see as a pattern is that it is limited to the laserfiche capture engine.  If I have quickfields pull from a location right on that server (not the repository) we don't see the issue.

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replied on January 4, 2021

Looking for an update on this. We are getting this error as well in QuickFields

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replied on March 7, 2021

Dears, did you found the resolution for this issue?

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replied on March 7, 2021

No resolution on this issue yet.  And we are getting the error more and more.  I find it happens the most when files over a couple hundred pages are pulled into Quick Fields.


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replied on May 4, 2021

I've just set up a fresh quick fields session and it is doing this error too.
Strangely though it seems to behaving fine, the files are being scanned and moved around fine with all the metadata quick fields grabs.

Would be nice for the session to not be marked as an error each time even if it works though.

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replied on September 22, 2021

Anyone manage to resolve this issue?

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replied on September 28, 2021 Show version history

I am getting the same error. Times out and quits the scheduled run.


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replied on September 30, 2021

Has anyone tested this issue with Quick Fields 11? 

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replied on September 30, 2021

I didn't notice this issue until I moved to Laserfiche 11. smiley  I think I managed to solve my problem though.  In the settings for the Quick Fields Agent I changed the number of Simultaneous Sessions to '1 agents'.  All of the errors are gone (48 hours so far).  

I had a similar issue with DCC where OCR jobs wouldn't ever end and would use up all of the CPU time on the processors by stacking jobs.  Changing the number of  Maximum Concurrent tasks to 1 solved that one.  Figured it was worth a shot with Quick Fields.

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replied on February 18, 2022

I'm having this error in QF 11, with the agent set to only allow 1 agent to run at a time.  It only seems to be happening on large documents (It fails around 400-430 pages).  Same error as OP.  This is on-prem QF with LF Cloud.

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replied on March 22, 2022

I'm with Paul on this one. I had never seen this error until I updated it to 11. I got to say, Updating to LF 11 from 10.4 was a horrible decision. So many things broke. 

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replied on April 18, 2022

I think there is enough people here reporting that this is a false error. The RPC server is not the issue, so what is the issue here?

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replied on April 19, 2022

In my case, I think it's just that any small interruption of the connection between on-prem QF and the Cloud repository causes the entire file to fail in QF, so the original file never moves to archive in LF (I'm using Laserfiche Capture Engine) and when the Agent runs the session again, it processes the same file over again, resulting in tons of duplicates.  I think what really needs to happen (at least in my case) is better error handling in QF.  How about an auto-retry if there's a connection issue??

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replied on April 19, 2022

When it fails to connect to Cloud it says the RPC server is not available?

I want to make sure we are discussing the cause for the specific error in OP.

We have eliminted all networking by having QF, Agent, and LFS on the same OS and we still get this exact error indicating it has nothing to do with network failures or timeouts.

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replied on April 21, 2022

Up to now, that has been my assumption.  Possibly incorrect, I suppose.  I have been getting the "RPC server is not available" as well as things like "operation timed out", so I assumed all were being caused by connection issues with Cloud.

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replied on July 5 Show version history

Has this issue been resolved? Client getting the same error and results that David did. QF 11

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replied on July 5

Not sure about the cloud version but for on-premises we are still getting those errors on the latest version of Quick Fields.

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replied on July 9 Show version history

We are aware of the issue and have a related bug (ID 421807). It's not fixed yet. But we will move the bug's priority up and hopefully fixed it in the next Quick Fields release. 

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