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Email Selected Pages from a PDF Document

asked on July 8, 2019


I need to send 2 pages from 100 page PDF File via email. When I select a PDF attachment - it does not give me the option to select page range? If this is not possible, what is a work-around? I tried using Pages but the documents are then transformed and it does not look the same.

Thank you!


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replied on July 9, 2019

Thanks Kathy! I did more testing under the Tasks menu. When you have the document you want to send; go to the Tasks menu - hit "Generate Pages", then go to "Email Pages" - this allows you to send specific pages and still keeping it in the PDF format. 

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replied on July 8, 2019

When you say you tried to use pages do you mean you Generated Pages using the Tasks menu? I believe that is the only way to choose specific pages. 

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replied on July 9, 2019 Show version history

Thank you, I kept testing and found my answer. If you go to the Tasks menu and click "Generate Pages" first and then go to "Email Pages" - this will allow you to edit which and how many pages in the PDF format. 

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