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internet explorer hangs with PDF document viewer in internet explorer "Loading..."

asked on June 28, 2019 Show version history

In Internet Explorer, the PDF document viewer hangs with the word loading... we are in version 10.4. See images. Anyone know how to resolve this. It works fine in Chrome.



loading.JPG (39.57 KB)
ie.JPG (24.23 KB)
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replied on June 28, 2019

I've reproduced the problem.  Since you are on an intranet, it's possible for IE to put itself into "compatibility mode", where it acts like IE 7 unless otherwise directed by the application.  DocView.aspx is missing a directive to override this.  There are 3 pretty easy workarounds.  You can either:

  1. Use an FQDN instead of just the host name, e.g.  This will cause IE to not use intranet settings
  2. Disable compatibility mode for that host in IE settings
  3. Add the mising declaration to DocView.aspx.  You can add `<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=11" />` just ahead of the first "<meta>" tag in the page.  It goes on line 13 in the version I'm looking at.


I've committed the change described in #3 for the next release.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

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