I'm using workflow to mailmerge tickets for an event but the QR code that is generated is laughably small at 72x50px. Is there a way to increase the size of the QR code x3?
In the Update Word Document activity when you select to render the merge field as a barcode you can select 'Custom' as the Barcode Type. If you select a custom barcode it defaults to a QR barcode and you can set specific properties in the Custom Properties text field.
In researching the Aspose support site I noticed a property named 'xDimension' in the documentation. If you set xDimension to different values you can change the size of the rendered barcode.
In this sample Word merge there is a normal QR barcode and one with xDimension set to 1.5
Here is a screen snip of the merge field setup
Update: setting the xDimension custom property with the QR Barcode Type selected works also.
that worked perfectly thanks!
I am trying to do something similar. But am not getting the Barcode Result. I have attached the raw word file and screenshots of the workflow settings. Any assistance would be great. I need the URL to be formatted into a QR code in the center of the document in the attachments, the file Landscaped Attendance 4 20200812Flyer is the resulting document that currently is not being converted to a barcode.
I am not sure if it is how the word document was originally built or if it is the workflow settings, the workflow settings are:
Your source files work as expected on my development machine. The only potential problem I see with your Word merge is that you should be using the values from a For Each Row activity instead of referring to the Query Data activity values. Here is the test workflow;
Here is the Word merge activity;
Here is a screen snip of one of four documents created;
I still think I have a word document issue, is there a barcode font or something like that that needs to be added to the workflow server or my workstation? I am trying your suggestion, but since my form is actually populated by data stored in a SQL table from a form entry, it seems redundant to have the for each row activity when only one result is returned from the data query. But even the update activity does not seem to be affecting the content of the form. Can you elaborate on the properties of your Create Entry and Attach Electronic Document tools. I am also emailing the resulting document to the end-user that submitted the initial form. With all that I am still getting the raw URL and not a barcode, it is not even pulling the correct information in to the word document from the data table. In this submission below the title should read: Here we go again with a date of today. But the attachment emailed is the one attached which shows the information from when the word document was made, not the data from the update task.
Any ideas why it is not pulling from the queried data?
My guess is that you are not actually attaching the newly created document to the email? So in the Word merge activity make sure to render the merge results as a PDF by clicking on the extended properties (gear) icon on the activity;
In the Attach Electronic File activity make sure your source is the output from the Update Word Document activity and that you are attaching that PDF to the output from the Create Entry activity;
On a side note; if you are just emailing the PDF to a recipient and don't need to actually save the PDF in the repository you can skip the Create Entry activity and just attach the file created in the Update Word Document activity to the outgoing email.
Finally, in looking over your workflow you are adding some 'wait' activities to wait on SQL to do something. Have you considered instead creating and calling some SQL Stored Procedures to both write the appropriate values and return the merge values in a single call?
Hello i am on workflow Version 11.0.2306.898 and this is not working for me
is this something that will not work in workflow 11 now?
Custom Properties:
\s 1000 did not work
xDimension=2 Did not work
600 x 600 px and 600 dpi did not work
doc type is docx
FYI i no longer user Laserfiche to create barcodes in a merged word doc. it can be done natively in word.
Each barcode may use its own data format, and so check some of the links if you're not sure what's needed.
To use DisplayBarcode in a document, follow these steps:
Click or tap where you want the barcode.
Press Ctrl + F9. You must do this, as just typing curly brackets {} won't work.
Type DisplayBarcode plus arguments and switches. For example DisplayBarcode “http://www.microsoft.com” QR \q 3, which displays a QR code that links you to www.microsoft.com.
How are you then populating the word document fields? Are you still using it inside of Laserfiche Process?
Yes i'm still using workflow to populate the fields
This does not work for me, i note the example here is for a static url DisplayBarcode “http://www.microsoft.com” QR \q 3, but not for dynamically generating a barcode unless someone can set me on the right path?
You can use a mailmerge field instead of “http://www.microsoft.com”. i can provide some examples of my setup monday
What are you using to create the QR Barcode in the Word Document? It seems like that would be where you need to adjust the size/scale of the QR. Laserfiche/Workflow does not generate the QR or have control of the size.
Open your Word source document for your mailmerge and edit the QR control to adjust the scale. Then save it and run your workflow again.
It looks like workflow is rendering my text string into a QR code then importing it as an image into my word doc.
I'm not sure but im guessing its using the following DLL to do this
c:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow 10.2\Aspose.Barcode.dll
If your workflow is creating the barcode image, you are using a Custom or Script activity to do it because Workflow does not have an activity to create the barcode images. Look at the activity that creates the barcode and see if it has a size setting. If it does not, contact the company/person that provided the solution to you.
I take that back.... I do see that the Update Word activity is creating the barcode.
The first thing you need to consider to know if you can change the size or not is how the attachment word document is set up. Is the location of the QR code inside a table or text box or anything that would constrain the size?
If it is not inside something like a table or if it is in a table but the cell can automatically adjust to fit the size, then you just need to play around with the pixel size and dpi until you get a size you want at a quality that can be read.
In my screen shot, I have 2 identical QR codes. The table (with the lines around it) is a barcode in a table that is locked in size. The second QR code is just placed in a line as if you were typing text. Both barcode were changed to 600 x 600 pixels and 600 dpi. If you do a 600 x 600 pixel code with a lower dpi it will be bigger than what I show.
It's not in a table. Actually just to rule it out, i opened a doc with nothing but one merge field and it still doesn't seem to change the size of the QR code, no matter what values i put in the "Custom Properties" box. Attached are the settings i copied from your image and the resulting word doc.
Hi Cliff,
What about the value of QR Code? Where it come from?
In the example above the 'value' encoded into the barcode is coming from a token generated earlier in the workflow. That token value is then resolved at runtime by workflow itself. You could also hard-code a static value into the barcode by just typing that value into the Simple Field Merge value column.
Hi Cliff,
Can you give me an exact workflow?