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Forms time table calculation

asked on June 13, 2019



I am having some trouble getting a table with a time field calculation to work.

I entered the formula exactly as described in this post:  

but it will not calculate it. It won't give me an error message either.

Not sure if I'm missing something.

End Time:

Start Time:

Total Hours:


Any suggestions?

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replied on June 14, 2019 Show version history

Hi Rex,


From your setup screenshots, it looks like you've added Date fields to the form but on the table preview you only show the times. If you use date fields then you will need to fill in both date and time. If you use a Time field then the calculation will work with just time.


Just to test it I did up a quick form to try it out. I've attached an export of it if you wanna have a look. You'll need to change the extension from .txt to .xml and then you can import it into forms.

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replied on June 14, 2019

That worked! I just needed to change the Date fields to Time


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replied on June 14, 2019

Now I'm trying to get the sum of the Total Hours column.

I've tried a few different formulas and nothing seems to work. The Total Hours Driven is a number field.

Any suggestions?

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