Could someone clarify the attribute "Started by laserfiche forms" in the workflow properties and in which case to tick it ?
So far I am using 'Retrieve field values' from a form to create some starting rules.
Thanks !
Could someone clarify the attribute "Started by laserfiche forms" in the workflow properties and in which case to tick it ?
So far I am using 'Retrieve field values' from a form to create some starting rules.
Thanks !
When the "Started by Laserfiche Forms" is checked, you will get an "Input Parameters" token list displayed which allows you to access system information about the Forms process that is starting Workflow.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply.
Should the list of input parameters be available right after "Started by Laserfiche Forms" have been ticket ?
This morning, I add a Workflow service task in my process diagram, then I ticked "Started by Laserfiche Forms" in the worflow properties. When I click on Configurate input/output parameters > Add Input > Default Value, I only have access to the Global tokens.
The Input Parameters are not displayed as an option in Workflow Parameters but are available for the Workflow Activities. I guess that's just the way they implemented it.
Ok I see it, thanks !
"Input/output parameters" is where you add new parameters to a workflow. Since these come from Forms, they don't belong there. They're only available where you can use their values.
We have a process created in LF Forms when we generate some forms and the last one is saved to the repository. Then, the idea is to save this form in a database to then generate an email that is sent to a customer with a link to a "dropbox" where the document is available (it is an internal process so we cannot modify it).
To do this last step, we have designed a workflow in Workflow designer, when the starting rule targets the document (by using the conditions in the screenshot attached). I have also attached a screenshot of the worflow.
When I was running the process from LF forms, as I initially had a Service Task that was targeting this workflow, it was running twice (from Worflow designer and from LF Forms). But the instance from LF Forms was terminated with an error message "No entry was specified".
I was thinking of modifying my process by using the "Started by Laserfiche forms" option to have the workflow service task running from the form process modeler. I have not really sure how to do it, as it was not running correctly when part of the forms process. When should I specify the form process that starts the workflow ?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
This works as designed if you are starting the workflow both from Forms and from the document creation.
Because Forms doesn't have a document ID and can't pass it to Workflow, that instance doesn't know what document you want it to work on.
You can remove the part where Forms triggers this workflow and let the document creation start it.
Typically what I would do is when saving the Form into the Repository, I would have a Metadata field called InstanceID, where I would assign the InstanceID from forms into the field, then I would have Forms call the Workflow after it is saved to the repository, where you can use the BPInstanceID from "Start with Forms" to Search in the repository for the document. The nice thing about this there is no starting rule to manage and you can also use other information from the Form in your process.
Hope this helps
I try your solution Steve. I added two fields when saving the form : Instance ID and BP Process ID.
After the Save to repository task, I have a Service task that call the workflow.
In the workflow, the option "Started by LF Forms" is ticked. I had a step "Find entry".
When I tried with both "BP Instance ID" and "Form ID", I have an error message "Entry not found 9001" and "No entry was specified 0263 WF1".
I probably did not do it correctly (just started with LF Forms and Workflow) so would you mind let me know where the issue is ?
Thanks a lot to both of you for your help (and patience !)
Find Entry can only locate a document bsed on Entry ID or location, so it is not the right tool to be able to find a document based on a Metadata field which is why we use Search in this instance.
Is there a reason why this workflow needs to be called from the Forms process? Using the starting rule based on document creation is a more reliable way of getting the document.
Hi Miruna, this is my technique, part of the reason why I do it this way is so I can use all of the information from the form in the logic of the workflow or I may use the loginc in the forms process to kick off different Workflows almost like sub-routines to perform different Document actions. If you do it with just the workflow kicking off with document creation, you have to pass the data you need into Metadata fields at file save time, or query back to the forms DB to retrieve values so I just find this cleaner.