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Is there a way to set MS Office so it will auto save to laserfiche by default?

asked on May 21, 2019

I have a customer that uses the LFOffice plugin for word and outlook. They would like to be able to automatically save to Laserfiche when they hit the save button and not have to go to the ribbon to deliberately have to save. Is this possible?

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replied on May 23, 2019

Hi Chris

One thing which i find useful on customers sites is to customise the quick access toolbar with the Laserfiche Save button and remove the usual save button, that way the user will see the Laserfiche save icon instead of the floppy disk which will help to prompt the user to save to Laserfiche.

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replied on May 21, 2019

Hi Chris,

If you've opened up the office document from the Laserfiche repository into an office application such as MS Word, saving within the application will save directly back into the repository. Depending on user setup, it may only update the repository at the time of closing the document. 

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replied on May 22, 2019

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the reply. I'm really looking for a way to automate the initial save to the repository from Office applications. As it is now, any time a user wants to save to Laserfiche, they have to click the Laserfiche button in Office and walk through the wizard to get the save done. This customer is hoping there is a way to make the default saving location for Office so that it automatically saves to the repository. Once the document is in the repository, its not an issue.

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replied on May 22, 2019

Hi Chris,

Does the user need to start from within Office, or can they start from the Laserfiche repository? As of the 10.4 web client, you can now right-click and create new empty Office docments right in the desired folder such that they are linked from the get-go. 

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replied on May 23, 2019

Hi Justin,

yes, the users would be starting from within an Office application but you do bring up a good point. I'll see if starting from the repository is an option for this customer.

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replied on May 22, 2019

Hi Chis,

Is the goal to force all new document creation to Laserfiche or to make creating to Laserfiche the default? Or just to make saving to Laserfiche easier to do?

I've worked on sites where the company policy was for all docs to be stored in the EDRM only, and am curious if your requirement is as restrictive.


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replied on May 22, 2019

Hi Ben,

The goal is to always save new Office content to Laserfiche without having to go through the extra steps using the office ribbon menus. The customer wants to make creating to Laserfiche the default, but not necessarily the only option so they can over ride if they need to.

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