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Hide Add link in dynamic table

asked on May 21, 2019

I have a dynamic read only table in a table that I am populating data from database. How do I hide the Add link at the bottom of the table please? Thanks.



1 0


replied on May 21, 2019 Show version history

All you need to do is select "append rows to the rows populated by data source" and set the max value to 0 so they can't add any.


Alternatively you could do it with CSS, JavaScript seems like overkill.

.cf-table-add-row {
    display:none !important;


3 0
replied on May 22, 2019

Good point--I love the simpler solution!

0 0
replied on May 21, 2019 Show version history

You can remove the add link on a table by adding the following JavaScript to the form (see the "CSS and JavaScript" tab of your form design screen:


If you have multiple tables on your form and you only want to remove the add links from some of those tables, you could modify the tables you want to remove the links from by clicking on the "Advanced" tab and adding a CSS class (such as RemoveAddLink, for example). Then you could remove the add links for all such marked tables with the following JavaScript:

  $('.RemoveAddLink .cf-table-add-row').hide();


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replied on May 22, 2019


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