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Query named user list directly from SQL server

asked on May 20, 2019


I would like to report on the number of named user allocated on our Laserfiche server as well as the licenses available. Can I query this from the SQL database? If so, please share the query with me.

Thank you

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replied on May 20, 2019

Hi Jaco

This available on LFDS:

Please let me know if you cannot find what you are looking for.

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replied on May 20, 2019

Hi De Wet


We do not have LFDS installed. What I asked for is if there is a SQL query that I can run to get the current Named Users and total available licenses. I need to bring this information to our reporting system.



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replied on January 2, 2020

I would like to get this info out of SQL as well. Building a form and one of the fields needs to be a Lookup to a SQL list of Laserfiche licensed users. I can't seem to find this info in a native Laserfiche SQL table, is this info retrievable from a Form?

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replied on November 23, 2021

Was anyone able to produce a SQL query to generate this list? 

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