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Forms and Workflow issues

asked on May 10, 2019 Show version history


I’m trying to configure our LF Forms so that I can use the service task in Forms to start a workflow. It doesn’t appear that our Forms was configured properly.  I cannot start a workflow from Forms or and cannot retrieve Forms content from a workflow.

Workflow Web Service is Configured with a successful connection.

I have set the Laserfiche Workflow Server under ‘Repository’ in Forms Configuration with the same address as Workflow Web Service.

However, when I use a service task in Forms to start a work flow the process becomes suspended.  When I check the event log I see error message The remote name could not be resolved: ‘http’


Also, when I try to setup the Retrieve Laserfiche Forms Content server, I get the following error.

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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replied on May 10, 2019

I just have the workflow server name in my Forms Configuration for the Workflow Server.  it's not a URL just the server name.  You might try changing that parameter in Forms

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replied on May 10, 2019

That did it!

Thank you

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