posted on April 30, 2019

Today, May 1st 2019, Laserfiche announces the End-of-Life for Laserfiche Agenda Manager. The last day to order Laserfiche Agenda Manager or related add-on modules is November 1st, 2019. Customers with active LSAP will continue to receive support as outlined in the table below.

In one year, on May 1st 2020, Laserfiche will end software maintenance of Laserfiche Agenda Manager and Limited Technical Support will begin. If you choose to continue to remain on LSAP, we will support Laserfiche Agenda Manager to best of our abilities, but no new hotfixes or updates will be developed. In two years, on May 1st, 2021, Laserfiche will end the Limited Technical Support. No support services will be offered for Laserfiche Agenda Manager after this date, marking the End-of-life.


Table 1.       End-of-Life Milestones and Dates for the Laserfiche Agenda Manager

Product Migration Options

When considering migration options, there are a few different paths to consider. While some customers have recreated their Laserfiche Agenda Management processes through Laserfiche Forms, we also encourage you to evaluate any of the leading Legislative Management offerings in the market.

Laserfiche has partnerships with the following legislative management software vendors, and we encourage you to consult with your Solution Provider to see which is the best path for your agenda management needs going forward.


Granicus is excited to partner with Laserfiche’s to offer industry-leading govMeetings legislative solutionsas a recommended software for Laserfiche Agenda Manager users moving forward.

With over 2,000 existing agenda management customers and over 10 years in partnership across the U.S., Granicus parallels Laserfiche in their commitment to quality customer support and implementation. They are committed to providing a seamless transition from Laserfiche Agenda Manager to govMeetings.


eSCRIBE offers seamless functionality so documents can be pushed to a Laserfiche repository for archiving, and documents within Laserfiche can be browsed and added to content created in eSCRIBE, such as agendas, minutes, reports, and more.

Migrating existing content is often overlooked when considering the move to a new solution. eSCRIBE has you covered with its team of highly experienced Project Managers, who make onboarding simple and painless. Save on first year setup and migration costs when you move to eSCRIBE.

Designed to increase transparency to stakeholders and drive operational efficiencies for staff, eSCRIBE’s paperless meeting management solution is currently used by many local governments and K-12 school boards across the globe. Through tools such as electronic agendas and minutes, eScribe enables users to save time and money, and increase stakeholder engagement. The technology reduces resources required to support meetings, and as a result, allows staff to better focus on higher-valued tasks.


The iCompass paperless Meeting Management Solution significantly reduces the time, stress and costs associated with running a local government. From tracking reports to creating an agenda packet Clerks have complete control managing all of the moving parts efficiently at the same time.

The integration with Laserfiche includes:

  • One click exporting of all iCompass Meeting Related Documents to the Laserfiche Document Management System
  • Attach Laserfiche stored documents to Agenda and Action Tracking Items
  • Publish Laserfiche stored meeting documents to your website for public consumption

Completed agendas can be published with one click to the web and to the AgendaNotes application for review and annotation by Council and other key stakeholders on the iPad or PC.

Customers with current LSAP will be given credit towards a purchase of additional Laserfiche product such as Laserfiche Full Named Users. Credit does not apply to non-Laserfiche products, such as Granicus. An exception of downgrades in total LSAP are allowed in the case that you want to drop LSAP of the Laserfiche Agenda Manager product without purchasing additional product.

For More Information

For more information about the Laserfiche End-of-Life Policy, go to:

To subscribe to receive end-of-life notifications, subscribe to the Product Announcements group at:


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