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Showing Screen Reader legend after updating New Form Version 10.4

asked on April 25, 2019

After updating Forms to Version 10.4,  All the forms show screen-reader-legend automatically.
we have to disable the legend for each form by adding the below line. 

.screen-reader-legend {display:none;}

Is there any update or fix for this or not. 


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replied on April 26, 2019

Hi Adnan,

Could we get a screenshot of what you are seeing? We did make some enhancements to screen reader behavior, but we placed the screen reader legend just off screen so the reader could locate and read the text content. 

Are you using some CSS that might have overridden ours? 

.screen-reader-legend {
    position: absolute;
    left: -10000px;
    top: auto;
    width: 1px;
    height: 1px;
    overflow: hidden;

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replied on April 28, 2019

hi Jerad,

This happen after we installed the new version 10.4


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replied on April 29, 2019

Do you have any custom JS or CSS on the form? If so please include it here. 

We may need to ask you to open a support case so we can investigate your setup and see any customization you made to the form.

Also, which screen reader are you using? Is there a setting on the screen reader that controls this behavior?

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