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Pattern Matching : Need expression's help

asked on April 23, 2019


I need your help for an expression. I don't know how to do.

This is my text:

"some text1

123456 - some text2\r

789101 - some text3\r

some text4"


I need to get some text2 and 3.

I tried this solution : \d{6}(.*)\r but sometimes I have an error because inside "some text2", I can have "\r".

How can I do?

Thanks in advance.





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replied on April 24, 2019 Show version history

Do I understand correctly that sometimes your first capture item may or may not have a line feed?

But the first capture item is always between 2 six digit numbers?

The second capture item is always after the 2nd six digit number?


Sometimes the source looks like:

some text1
123456 - some text2
789101 - some text3
some text4

Sometimes the source looks like:

some text1
123456 - some
789101 - some text3
some text4

You can use a multivalue token with 2 separate capture expressions:

Capture Expression 1:


Capture Expression 2:


And used as shown below:

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replied on April 23, 2019

\r actually happens to be special command in pattern matching that means return to start. Since after every line, there is a hidden return to start character, it was picking up the entire end of the line of text. 

You will want to use \d{6}(.*)\\r for your pattern where \\ means look for the character "\" and r is just the literal character r.

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replied on April 23, 2019 Show version history

Hi Chad,


thank you for your help. Yes I know about the special caracters "\r".

I use it in my example to show you the carriage return. I don't want to get "\r" I just want to know how to get the line 2 if inside the value I already have a carriage return.


Example :

Expression : \d{6}(.*)\r


Values :

123456 - some\r text2\r

789101 - some text3\r


Results :


some text3


What I want :

some\r text2

some text 3

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replied on April 23, 2019 Show version history

Oh I see. Pattern matching stops by default at \n unless specified. I think this means, if you want to dynamically capture multiple lines, you must enter an endless string like this


\n proceeds all \r characters, it means new line. \r just means return home.

See this post

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replied on April 23, 2019

I tried your solution but it doesn't work.

I think I didn't express myself well.


I want to get the result as multi values

value 1 : some\r text2

value 2 : some text 3


I can't use "\r\n" to stop the expression because on my text "some text2" I can have a carriage return inside the texte. Example : "some \r\ntext2" and this will return "some "

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replied on April 23, 2019

Hi Oliver, 


Try this 

(?:\d{6} ?[-] ?)(.*)(.*\n)*(?:\d{6} ?[-] ?)(.*)


?: is used as a non capture group

replied on April 23, 2019

Hi Oliver,

Try this:

(?:\d{6} ?[-] ?)(.*)(?=\\r)


Make sure you have 'All matches (as multi-value token)' selected.

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replied on April 24, 2019

Hi Aaron,


Thank you for your help.

Your solution return me nothing, sorry.

I don't understand what this expression means.

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replied on April 25, 2019

?: Means, non capture group, so it will find 6 digits "\d{6}" followed by a space which may or may not be there " ?" followed by a literal dash [-] (You don't actually need the square brackets in this instance. - is used as a range expression, so I put them in out of habit) followed by another space which may or may not be there " ?"


The capture group (.*) means any amount of any character (except newline).


Lastly the "?=" is used as a positive look ahead. Meaning it will look further into the string to find a match. In this case we use "\\r" (the extra \ at the start is used as an escape character, so it takes the \r as literal, instead of carriage return).


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