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Workflow database source connected, but need help configuring Activities

asked on April 9, 2019

I am attempting to use a database source with Workflow for the first time.  I have WF properly connecting to the source, but am having trouble getting the activities configured.  I'm confused even as to what activities are needed (and I have checked out the Laserfiche Administration Guide's pages for Custom Query).

This is a database of Employee Roles where I want it to look at the Employee Role that I give it and have it pull the matching employee name and especially the employee email address to use in WF email notifications.

In Forms, I have the right connections to this same db source working:

In WF, I have tried getting some things to start pulling, but am confused about the configurations and Track Tokens shows that it is not pulling the Accounts Payable Clerk's name or email address:

How do I set any of these up to look at the Employee Role that I give it (column header is Record Series)

  • and return the Employee Name (column header Category_Name)
  • and return the Employee Email (column header Type)?
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replied on April 9, 2019

Hi Connie,

You should be able to swap out the first Custom Query activity for a Query Data activity by specifying the column/value for the vExample view, since it looks like you simply want to return all rows from that view where [record_series] = 'Accounts Payable Clerk'.

However, if you want to stick with a Custom Query, the following should do the trick:

SELECT [type], [category_name]
FROM vExample
WHERE [record_series] = 'Accounts Payable Clerk'



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replied on April 9, 2019

Yeah!  Thanks so much, Rob!  It worked and I got my email with the correct tokens filled out!

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