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Workflow - rename files without using the file extensions

asked on April 4, 2019

Hi all, 

We would like to make references between Excel files. I am aware that such links refer purely to the file path. Thats why I configured Webdav to connect to the Laserfiche Repository. 

I noticed that the file extensions are missing for all files, when connect through webdav. A Google search has shown that there is an option (Retain file extension) that you can activate so that the file extensions are not deleted. (see screenshot) 

But the really problem comes up with workflows:

Our workflow is like this: 

1. New Files gets dragged in to the Laserfiche Client. 

2. We select a template for each file and fill in the required data. 

3. As soon as a template is applied, the Workflow Module is activated. 

The activated workflow can be seen in the screenshoot. 


I need the file extension as a token. So that I can give it to the "Rename Entry" process. 

Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can do this? 


Best Regards Anish 

workflow.png (31.36 KB)
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replied on April 4, 2019

Client options do not apply to Workflow. You can run Find Entry on the document to get more properties about it including the extension. Then you can add the extension in your Rename Entry activity.

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replied on April 5, 2019

Thanks for the hint.
The files are now displayed with the correct file extension via WebDAV

I still can't open the files via WebDAV. Excel gives the error message that the file may be corrupted. 

If the same file is opened via the Laserfiche client, the file will be opened without problems. 

What could be the reason? 

Query the file extension with Find Entry.png
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replied on April 5, 2019

That's likely something you want to troubleshoot through Tech Support so they can look at your WebDAV configuration.

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replied on April 5, 2019 Show version history

Hi all, 


Here's what helped me solve these problems: 

I added the credentials to the Windows Credential Manager. 

$target = Read-Host "Internet or network address"
$userName = Read-Host "UserName"
$Password = Read-Host "Password" -AsSecureString

cmdkey /generic:$target /user:$userName /pass:$Password

I stored the address ($traget) in two ways to the store.

1. http://server-fqdn/lf

2. \\server-fqnd\DavWWWRoot\lf\


These two network addresses have been added to the trusted locations in the Office applications as well. 


Finally, I have set the following registry key for each user via GPO.


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Laserfiche\Client8\Profile\Options@OPWebDAV and set the value to 0.



Hope this helps. 


Regards Anish 


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