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Weblink 10.1- Remove Metadata Tab in the Preview Page

asked on April 1, 2019


We have a customer who would like to know if is is possible to Remove the Metadata Tab in the Weblink Preview Screen and just have the Preview Tab only:


I believe there was a way to do this in WL9, by editing the DocViewer.aspx.  Not sure if this is the same for WL 10.1.

I was also thinking that possibly editing the access of the Weblink Read Only account in LF Admin, could help with this, but not sure.


Jeff Curtis

Metadata Tab-WL 10.1.PNG
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replied on April 1, 2019

You can apply custom CSS to hide the Metadata pane; this can be done by editing the DocViewer.aspx file and adding the CSS there, or possibly by adding the customization to one of the stylesheets WebLink keeps internally for custom styling. I don't remember which file offhand, but you can inspect the DocViewer page to see what stylesheets are used.

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replied on April 3, 2019

Hello Jason,



Would you know offhand on what the exact edit to the CSS be to remove it.  I am familiar with the Stylesheets.



Jeff Curtis

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