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Parent Token: Does it work on special characters?

asked on March 22, 2019

Hello Everyone,


I have an issue with the Parent token. One of the workflow’s only activity is assigning field values. The activity is using %(Parent) token as default value and assigns the folder name to the field. The field configured as a list type and it consists of 3 items. LVS, HVS and HVSC. These are also folder names. So when a user moves the file in one of these folders, the workflow supposed to assign this field as the same name of the folder. This was working well until we had to add a new folder and a new item on the list named as HVS (Special Projects). The token doesn’t work for this name and it keeps choosing HVS from the list instead. See the attached pictures.


Is it some kinda bug in the system or am I doing something wrong, I am not really sure. All I did was I added the name of the folder to the field list and created the new folder. I am just assuming maybe it is not working on special characters such as parenthesis().   Please help me with my issue.

Thank you very much.


workflow 1.jpg
workflow 2.jpg
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replied on March 22, 2019 Show version history

Where are you getting the %(Parent) Token name in Workflow? The Parent token you're using in the Default for the metadata configuration is not the parent folder name, it is for parent field, which is a totally different value.

In Workflow, if you want to set it equal to the document's parent folder, you either need to fix the Default to be %(ParentName)

OR you'll need to use a Find Entry to get the starting entry's information, then use the Parent Folder name token from that activity when you set the field value.


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replied on March 22, 2019 Show version history

Here are the screenshots of the token. I am not %100 sure if it uses the default metadata configuration value as %(Parent) or Assign Field Values-%(Parent) token. The workflow configured before my time here. As I said earlier, I only added the new list item and the folder name, assuming this is how the token works. So I still don't know why the field's default value is %(Parent) or what makes that field change when the user moves the file from one folder to another and that field changes according to the folder name.



Nevertheless, I got my answer. I can use Find Entry-Entry ID then use the parent folder name token. It made much more sense and it works like a charm. Thank you very much Jason.

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replied on March 22, 2019 Show version history

You might still be able to do it without the Find Entry. I think underlying the problem is that the default set in the field configuration (admin console > metadata management) should be %(ParentName) not %(Parent).

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replied on March 25, 2019

I tried this, it's working but I get an error.



I published anyway, it worked and the field changed as in the folder name. However, the field changes for every folder except HVS (Special Projects) one. When I move the file to this folder, that field doesn't change and stucks in previous folder name.


It doesn't make any sense to me. We are using 10.2 version. 

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replied on March 25, 2019 Show version history

If you’re using the default name approach, then you would have to clear it out first. If you’re moving stuff around to different folders after it already has a value, then default won’t override and you might have to use the other approach.

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replied on March 25, 2019

Ok, I understand now. Thank you again Jason.

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