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Forms Location metadata - save to repository

asked on March 13, 2019 Show version history

Hi there,

I'm trying to get the new 'Location' metadata field to fill in using the 'Save to Repository' service task in Forms, but it doesn't seem to be working.

In the Web Client I can manually associate a location no problem, so the API is all set-up correctly. However specifying the Form's geolocation to be the Location field on the document that's in the repository doesn't come across.

In my Form it shows the coordinates:

Which pass through as variables on submission:

And in the 'Save to Repository' task I have them set to update the Location field with these:



However, when the form PDF hits the repository, it just doesn't associate:

I can manually associate the same coordinates in the Web Client at this point, and it it will retain these. But we really want them to come through automatically from Form submission.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Anything else that needs to be set up which I may have missed?

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replied on March 14, 2019

I could reproduce this issue internally and will file this issue for investigation. 

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replied on March 14, 2019

Thanks Jared.

It might be worth pointing out that this also doesn't work with attachments to the form. We're wanting to use the geolocation field in a form table row to populate the location field for these (each added row has a file upload which would be a photo taken on mobile).

Cheers, Duncan

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