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Reprocess a form already saved into the respository

asked on March 10, 2019

Hi There


I have a huge amount ( 1000's) of submitted LF Forms ( saved as PDF) that didn't have some of the fields captured to the template at the time of processing (in LF Forms.)

Is it possible to build a workflow that can "reprocess" the saved LF forms in the repository and capture the missing fields and add them to the template?






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replied on March 11, 2019 Show version history

If you have the Instance ID and a Submission ID, then it is possible to pull the information again using workflow. You would add your Retrieve Business Process Variables activity, then click the gear icon in the top right to open the settings and change it to use tokens instead of the "starting" instance.

This is one reason I like to save the instance and submission identifiers somewhere in the form metadata because it makes it much easier to connect them to a specific instance.

UPDATE: I goofed on this a bit, you need the Instance Id and Submission Id, not the process ID.

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replied on March 11, 2019

Hi Darryl

I'm not aware of any out of the box way to relaunch the form itself, and tying the Forms Data in the DB back to the form in the repository would be impossible without knowing the Form Instance ID when the Document was created.

You may instead look at using Quickfields to reprocess the Captured Forms in the Repository using the Laserfiche Capture Engine to target the files to be reprocessed, then set up a session to capture the information you require.

The other option maybe Workflow with Pattern matching if there is consistency in the OCR data that would allow you to identify the information you need. 

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replied on March 12, 2019

Thanks for your help team - I managed to build a solution using Jason's advise!





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replied on March 12, 2019

Glad it helped. Note that I made a mistake in my post, it should be the Instance Id and Submission Id, not the process Id.

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replied on March 12, 2019

No problem :-) - I got what you meant LOL! Certainly pointed me in the right direction and I achieved the result I wanted - without having to spend $1000's on Quick Fields! 

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